New Project: PUNCH(ing) It

We’re big fans of collaboration. And we’re big fans of the creative team at PUNCH. They study the art of impact, and they create great design. (We like great design.)

Over the next few months, the team at PUNCH and the team atFloricane are playing a game of musical work. They’re helping us strengthen Floricane’s strategic brand presence – our design and print materials, our online presence, our use of social media – and we’re helping members of the PUNCH team strengthen their management and leadership skills, and their overall organizational effectiveness.

Our teams have been working together for more than a year, and we’ve grown to enjoy and respect their creative energy and insight. We suspect they might feel the same way.

Keep your eyes peeled as we move into 2014. We’ll be unveiling a fresh look that builds on the great logo design the team at Zeigler|Dacus dreamed up – way back in 2008. (We continue to lean heavily on Ben Dacus for great design, by the way. You can never have too many awesome designers in your corner.)