#WotWW Day 4: Readiness, or Red Reeds?

We kicked off our last day of Work on the Work Week by having breakfast with several members of the team at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. As the food and conversation wound down, John dashed off to take care of business related stuff and left the rest of the team to talk about 3 of our key internal business processes. We joked before he left about the ways in which the conversation would be different without him.

Theran provided excellent facilitation. He had a clear agenda. He balanced the right amount of direction and support. He gave us a starting place with each topic and then opened up the conversation, debate and dialogue. All the while, capturing next steps and salient points visually for all of us to see.

As I reflected upon the morning and why it felt like we “got so much done” the easy answer is, “the boss wasn’t there!” But there was another dynamic at play, we were ready to have the conversation. The topics included tasks, activities and communications that effect what we do everyday.  We were all invested in the topics.

In all honesty, we also knew that our day would end in the afternoon at Amuse! I thought to myself that perhaps it was the thought of seeing the red reeds and some much needed, relaxed time with the team that really propelled us to be so effective in the morning! Who’s to say? Readiness or Red Reeds? Perhaps it was both, but I can’t help but reflect that readiness and effectiveness have a significant connection.