New Fruit: Hitting the Books with Old Friends

Self-awareness. Team dynamics. Effective influencing. Adaptability.

These are a few of the lessons we explored last winter with a small group of Library of Virginia employees. Now, as the state’s official library and archives launches into the implementation of a new, bold and ambitious strategic plan, Floricane has been invited to lead 170 employees through a four-month training program around many of the same lessons.

Using Insights Discovery’s powerful self-awareness tool as a starting point, we’ll be exploring all of the ways the Library’s employees can contribute to a stronger organizational culture, and a more focused and effective future for one of Virginia’s best assets.

It’s not a surprise to us to see the leadership of the Library take such a democratic approach to developing its team and transforming its culture. The institution is, after all, intimately familiar with 200 years of American political and social culture.