The Other Side of Fear

Other Side of Fear

I'm using this quote as inspiration this week. For me, the fear of not being good at something often paralyzes me, keeping me from trying new things. This week, I'm going to be trying ONE of those new things I've been wanting to do: rollerskating outside, with full protective gear (roller derby has trained me well). I just got my new outdoor wheels and I'll be fighting the fear of falling down and looking silly so I can exercise in what's quite possibly the most fun way ever. Maybe you'll see me around Byrd Park!

My challenge to you this week, if you choose to accept it, is to try to overcome one fear and go out and do something that you've really been wanting to do. I hope it's as fun as rollerskating.

a real-life photo of said rollerskates.

a real-life photo of said rollerskates.