Seven Brainstorming Lessons (by Carlee)

Just last week Caroline and I were tasked with creating a video for the Summer of Self-Discovery series.  Creating this video was one experience full of many insightful takeaways, some lessons more profound than others.

As we jumped into the task, there may or may not have been looks of uncertainty passed between us as we wondered what kind of video we would be able create in one day.  These looks quickly turned to looks of excitement as we started brainstorming and thinking of idea after idea.    

We dreamed.  We sketched.  We scoured the office for props. 

Lesson #1: Two brains are better than one

Lesson #2: No idea is a completely bad idea

Our incredibly brilliant idea of taping ourselves writing on the whiteboard, full of high fives and amazing shots of the back of our heads quickly came to a halt when we realized there were no dry erase markers to be found. 

Lesson #3: Always have dry erase markers on hand

Never fear, Caroline and I changed course, found a large roll of white paper, and went to work on our new vision.  Since our materials were now a bit more permanent than dry erase markers, we knew we had to be a one-take wonder. 

We went to work.   As we wrote out our message, added flair with glitter, and laughed at the process, our excitement for the idea began to fade.  We looked at each other and both felt that this was not working.  The vision of how our idea would play out was not playing out the way we imagined.  Our great idea was less than great.  {If 1E was full of sound effects, we would have heard a nice  “womp womp” in the background}

Lesson #4: Sometimes you can’t see the beauty through the mess

Lesson #5: Glitter makes everything better, even when it gets cut from the video.

We tried a few other takes and finally Caroline uttered the words I had been dreading: “Carlee, you’re going to have to be on camera.”

Well, what’s an intern to do except take one for the team. What felt like 4 very awkward takes later, Caroline released me. 

I left Caroline with tons of footage.  This footage may have been very questionable, but it was footage nonetheless.

Fast forward to Sunday night.  I see the video, and it’s amazing.  

I had no idea the magic that Caroline had up her sleeve. She managed to take a mess of disjointed, possibly unusable footage and turned it into an amazing video.  And as amazed as I am at her editing skills, I am also thankful my scenes made the cutting room floor.  (I’ll pay you later, Caroline)

Lesson #4: Trust the process

Lesson # 5: Sometimes the mess IS the beauty. It’s there you will find the happy accidents.

In the end, I think it’s safe to say that we both learned that risks can pay off.  And my final lesson:  if all else fails, laugh at the blooper reel.