The Leadership Circle: What Our Focus Groups Revealed

Before we got even close to thinking we knew everything that should be included to create an amazing leadership group coaching experience, we decided to ask the community what they wanted. Earlier this spring, Anne and I met with 15 leaders from all types of companies to pick their brains about what they wanted to see in a leadership group coaching experience.

We heard some pretty amazing things! 

We heard: I want to be a part of this, if it’s with peers outside of my normal circle. I know how to access people in my world, I want access to people I don’t know.

We heard: There is a distinct need for thinking about leadership differently: What does leadership mean relevant to where I am in my career? Or in my company? How do I lead through times of significant change and uncertainty? What is the reality of leading in today’s organizations? How do I lead a team of others through challenging times? How do I blend the multiple generations that work in my organization? (Lots of insightful questions, right?!)

We heard: There is a hunger to discuss culture change.

Many folks in our focus group realize they may not have the skills they need to lead their organization through such a change. They also discussed leaving their organizations healthy and ready for the future after they leave. What does succession/sustainability look like?

There were so many great nuggets that came from our discussions. It’s hard to include them all here. I am confident they will reappear and that our group will surface news ones, too! Can’t wait to get started this fall.

The Leadership Circle is a new group coaching program for senior leaders in Richmond. The first session starts in September; applications are being accepted through August 8th, 2014.